Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Dumbest Thing I Ever Felt Compelled to Say Out Loud (With some important stuff in between.)

Drew and I have had an amazing adventure in the last four months. I quit my job to pursue a masters degree, we moved half away across the country (and an entire country away from my family), I started in a place where I knew only people from Drew's childhood, and then school started.

My program is intense. I highly underestimated what all this personal counseling was going to be like. I'm doing individual counseling, couples counseling, group counseling. And I don't mean I'm just learning about those things and how to facilitate them myself. I mean, I'm doing so much work that I have self-awareness coming out the wazoo!

I love my program. I love the people I've met. I love who I'm becoming. And most importantly, I'm learning to love all of me.. Who I was, who I am, who I will be. And because of that I love everyone who has played a hand in helping me become ... me.

Here's the dumb part. Facebook. Social media in general.

I've been contemplating "deleting friends" for a while now. Not maliciously. Not because I don't think those people are important or that they have not place an important role in who I am (I mean, let's face it... Some of them are only people I met briefly and they probably wondered why I was friending them in the first place...) But because I need to make room in my life for the handful of people I do admittedly keep in touch with via facebook.

Facebook has always been a time-suck. Now that I'm in a graduate program... I don't have time to look at puppies from my elementary school friends that I haven't kept up with. I love and appreciate the great things you are all doing with your lives... But seeing your puppies is taking away from seeing my niece and nephews grow up (sadly, via facebook).

I'm writing this partly because I feel like facebook has become this huge piece of people's identity and worth. And I think this is me trying to break myself away from that. To step away from the hold that social media has on the representation of the real me. I am also trying to minimize the distractions in my life so that I can focus on the "here and now." Plus, Drew doesn't use facebook nearly... ever. So, I think that as a family we need to focus on our representation of ourselves.

Now I'm just rambling. If anyone wants to continue to stay in touch the old-fashioned way with letters, emails and Christmas cards, please let me know. You can follow our happens here (I'm going to try to keep up with this better...) or email us at

Love you all... For all that you. xo

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