Tuesday, November 26, 2013


It's been almost a week since I got rear ended coming home from class. Today, I stopped taking my pain pills and experienced the raw pain of the accident. But my head wasn't cloudy and I was able to think clearly and take a step forward. Every time I think about how badly my back hurts, my heart hurts for the girl who hit me, the girl in the middle. And as I drove I-5 today, during rush hour, over a bridge that I'm already fearful of... I had to fight back tears. But now that I'm home and warm on my couch with my dogs, I am so thankful that things weren't as bad as they could have been.

We heard back from the insurance agent handling our claim and he said he doesn't think the car is totaled (which is a huge weight off of my shoulders). He also said I can go ahead and submit a chiropractor and acupuncturist appointment (or series of) to my insurance and they will seek reimbursement from the other guy's claim. Since we both have State Farm it seems that this process has been easier and quicker than if we had different insurance companies. All the while, our rates are not going up due to the accident because he accepted all liability (as he should have). Furthermore, our crossfit gym has put my account on hold for 40 days -- so I don't have to spend money for time I'm not using! Really, as far as accidents go, everyone involved or affected are working together to make my recovery pretty easy. I am so thankful for that.

My professors have been wonderfully accommodating, my classmates have been extremely helpful with taking notes for me or helping me through quizzes. Drew has been amazing. He has tackled every request I have of him while working 14-16 hour days between his two jobs. My boss has also been super sweet, letting me come in for as long as I physically can and taking days off to recover.

I am also thankful for the fact that I have a job. I know Drew and I are really trying to make ends meet and to be in a more financially secure position since I have become a full time student. But I'm still able to give a few dollars to people who need it more than I do. Today I gave an elderly man a hot coffee and a few bucks. I had a short conversation with him and as selfish as it is to focus on how good it made me feel to help, I know that I made a difference in that man's night as well.

Finally, I am thankful to have the opportunity to meet extremely helpful [future] colleagues and professors who are leading us to creating relationships and mentorships that will help us help our students. I'm excited to be learning more about Oregon, the Portland area school districts, wrap around services that helps families, and ultimately learning who I want to be. I had a wonderful meeting with a graduate of my program who is a school counselor, has her own private practice and is a mother. She gave me amazing advice on how to lead a balanced life and she said that nothing is permanent. I know there's a scary side to that idea, but she said it with such a positive twist that it made me hopeful. We're all always learning new things about ourselves and the world around us... I can do so many things. That's amazing.

I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving. I miss so many of you, but am so thankful to have you in my life. I hope to hear from you soon!  

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