Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 in review

Well... I wanted to send out Christmas cards but things got a little too busy with school and a trip to CT and FL. I thought we might send New Years cards instead.. But honestly, I kept forgetting about New Years in general. So here you go.. A blog post.

2014 held a lot of exciting events. After ending 2013 with a car accident and the flu, really up was our only option!

Let's see.. Drew and I both got new jobs!

 In addition to being in school full time (half way done! June 2016 = graduation!)  I started working at a part time Independent College Counselor for Delehoy College Counseling. Working for Eric and DCC couldn't be better and after my stint working as a personal assistant to a witch of a drunk makes me beyond grateful to have such an amazing boss. I'm learning a ton and I get to focus on the parts of college counseling that I enjoy most! The relationships and focus on true fit. The best part is that I can still focus on school and be appreciated for my work.

Drew now works for a company called Technolutions. He has a big fancy office in downtown Portland. The building itself is a bully (see this article to find out why), but has gorgeous view! 

Technolutions created a product called Slate which is a tool for college admissions offices. Although Slate was implemented at Knox after I left, I hear it's a pretty effective and amazing tool. Drew spent his last 2ish years at Knox implementing Slate. As we moved to Portland, so did Technolutions. They opened a Portland office even though ironically they're home office is in New Haven, CT (small world!). He really enjoys working for Technolutions and his Portland co-workers are all adorably dorky so Drew fits in really well. We also were able to take a trip to New Haven to meet the rest of his co-workers who were all darling people and we had an incredible time! Luckily for me, I was able to see my friends and family, too! 

So, Drew and I have been able to visit New Haven a few times this year! I've gotten to see my family, friends and have amazing pizza! One of my favorite trips consisted of meeting Chase for the first time! It's incredible that a friend that I made in 5th grade now has her own child... Sometimes I'm shocked that we're old enough to be at this stage in our lives... But my newest nephew is such a sweet heart and I'm so in love. 

This year also brought us amazing visitors. Who knew that Portland would be a more desirable vacation destination than Galesburg, IL? Here are just a few of our lovely visitors: 

I saw my brother for the first time in 5 years. And he's like a real life adult now. Weird. 

This last one never left! Welcome to Portland, Alana!

Additionally, our darling friends Tim and Jaimie have gotten engaged and we will be helping them down the aisle in October! 

2014 was not without it's less than amazing points... but they all had happy endings! 

Lily developed a bad case of teenaged acne. We found out that she is allergic to metal bowls. The acne has now cleared up. 
Milo had a near death experience as we learned he had a urinary blockage. He is now on a special diet. 
Epsilon also developed allergies and his new food was the reason for Milo's near death experience. Now he has to eat his meals alone in the bathroom. 

Mosby survived knee surgery! He is doing well and by February he will be as recovered as he'll ever be. He's excited to get back out there and run. 

Our luggage was also broken on our way to our honeymoon, costing us $200+ that we weren't refunded to replace... BUT... That means we FINALLY went on our honeymoon to the Dominican Republic! 

2015 we are focusing on health and happiness now more than ever. In August, Drew and I will be running our first half marathon! My back is healed up enough to start training and Drew isn't working two jobs so he finally has some time to join me. 

We wish all of our friends and family a happy, healthy and joyous 2015! <3 


  1. Awesome recap! Hope you have an even more amazing 2015! Love you oodles and oodles!

  2. I hope that's a half marathon in Hawaii...

    1. The first one got down graded to a 10k in Portland. We're not giving up our dream for the Hawaii marathon! I just have to stop getting into car accidents...
