Friday, December 25, 2015

2015 - Year in Review

Merry Christmas, everyone! As I sit down to write this, and really think about the year that we've had... I have my christmas tree lit, a dog by my side and another on the floor by my feet. I hear our two cats playing upstairs and I know that my husband is still asleep. Christmas has been simple this year at the Pelkey-Flocks. No pressure for gifts, but lots of holiday music and I'm sure we'll be watching Die Hard at some point today. We had Jan, Dave and Emily over last night for Christmas Eve dinner. We played a fun new game and by the time everyone went home, Drew came down with the stomach flu. So I expect it will be an easy day today.

The more I think about, the more I feel this year is replicating 2013. Car accident, Christmas flu, new house. The only redeeming factor about this year is that we both have jobs that we love (and Drew isn't working TWO jobs). New this year is that I had to take an incomplete in a class and even though I'm working on my health, I have a whole new set of worries and woes. I'm trying really hard to be positive so let's make that switch now, shall we?

We LOVE our new place. We've got some pictures hung on the wall finally. We have unpacked some dishes. It's starting to feel like ours. The location is WONDERFUL. It takes me roughly 15 minutes to get to BOTH internship sites. I can walk or ride the street car to PSU. I can come home before class. The dogs are happy. We live near our friends! The cats are happy! Everyone is happy! Except for my side mirror that got into a fight with the side of our garage. I may or may not have provoked that. The best part is that we are so in love with our apartment and our location that having a simple Christmas didn't mean having a depressing Christmas. I miss my family and friends who are far away, obviously.. But I'm happy and content with where I am and the things that I have here. I haven't felt this feeling in a long time. It's nice :)

School has been hard. Last year I took a lot of classes so that I wouldn't have to take as many this year. I worked my ass off last year to get everything done and I did so with feelings of accomplishment. But this year I realized that if I wasn't taking 9 credits a term, I wouldn't qualify for financial aid. So I have over loaded again this year and I'm feeling really worn out about it. The positive news is that even though my life is throwing me some major curve balls personally, and even though that has resulted in being distracted when it comes to school, I am still gaining a lot from my experiences. And I will get back on track and have a great last two terms of graduate school. 167 more days until graduation!

Things to look forward to in 2016:

- More answers about my health and our ability to have a child (or rather how to pursue parenthood)
- Birthday weekend in Vegas to celebrate Drew's 30th and my 29th!
- Graduation/working full time
- HOPEFULLY feeling well enough to finally ski on Mt Hood!
- Several Chicago weddings
- Finally settling the 2013 car accident.
- The continued support and empathy from my amazing friends and family. Seriously, the support has blown me away. And every time I start to feel sadness washing over me, I giggle at the silly meme someone has sent me or smile at the thoughtful gestures and kind words I've received over the last few weeks. I am so blessed to have you all in my life. You are the silver lining of 2015. Thank you!

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